Our extraction includes 3 ingredients: Mushrooms, non-GMO organic cane alcohol, and pure Catskill mountain water. We mindfully create an alcohol tincture, a cold water infusion, and a hot water decoction over a period of three months which are combined. This ensures that the concentrated health components of each mushroom are of the highest quality and can be optimally absorbed by your body. We take pride in preparing our extracts from wood-grown mushrooms sustainably foraged on and around our family farm in the heart of the Catskill Mountains. Our mushrooms are sun-dried to accumulate vitamin D and dehydrated before they are carefully prepared in small batches. Click here for more information and FAQ About Catskill Fungi Extracts.

Turkey Tail
Turkey Tail
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Discount: $3 off any 3 bottles. $10 off any 6 bottles.
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About The Extract
Turkey tail, also known as Coriolus, is found throughout the world and is one of the most common mushrooms we see in the northeast US. Known as a polypore (poly=many, pore=spore-bearing surface), it grows on logs during all four season. Even in the winter you can see it pushing up the snow on logs.
Turkey tail has a tough, leathery texture and an astringent flavor. There are many lookalikes but none are poisonous. The key to identification is to look at the underside of this mushroom to see the tiny pores. You may need a hand lens but other small, clustered shelfs have a smooth surface (Stereum sp.), or bristle-like 'teeth' (Violet toothed polypore).
Turkey tail is colorful on top, with wavy concentric bands that can vary from brown to blue to grey or brown. The top of the mushroom is minutely hairy and very firm. Turkey tail is too tough to eat, but makes a nice bitter tea and is a fine addition to soup broth.