Dance of the Mushrooms: part of the Walk, Gawk and Talk Series

Arts Inn Collective - Fleishmanns NY
2:00pm- 4:00pm
Arts Inn Collective

Walk, Gawk & Talk: Deep seeing in the Catskills is an experiential community art series and video documentary connecting people to art and each other through nature. Deep seeing brings artists, nature, and the public together to allow us to experience the world from other perspectives.  It addresses the need to go beyond our differences and the thinking that divides us and to view nature and each other as a source of inspiration.  The entire series is documented by videographer Alan Powell, including initial discussions amongst the artists, interviews, footage of the walks and audience participation.  A final document archives the process of Deep Seeing in the Catskills and becomes the final presentation of the series.

September 15th 2pm: Dance of the Mushrooms Explore the Forest Floor with Choreographers and Comic Claire Porter & Heidi Stonier and Mycologist John Michelotti to see what mushrooms can inspire. 

Event description:

Mushrooms eat death. They are the consummate recyclers. When we walk in the woods they are everywhere, and if you look, you can find them hiding in their vast webs of mycelia above and below the ground. After the rain, they come out rich and fruitful. Some scientists surmise that mushrooms arrived on Earth in meteors and have been around since the beginning of time.

Come join our mushroom celebration! We’ll meet at the Arts Inn, in Fleischmanns, and then caravan to a very special spot on Belleayre Mountain. There, we will dance, listen and learn about mushrooms. Then we will return to Arts Inn to discuss our discoveries and drink mushroom tea.

Tickets: $20. Click here to sign up